A Life Worth Living:
A Somatically-based DBT Skills Group

Adults (18+) - Tuesdays, 6:00 to 7:30pm - New members may join every 6 weeks - $75/session - Partial Scholarships Available

Registration now open for the next session on Tuesdays, September 10- October-29. 

Email Support@hmrwellness.com with questions.

Derailed by triggers? Stuck in the same rut? Frustrated by what feels like self-sabotage? Overwhelmed with what life throws your way?

If so, our Somatically-based DBT group might be just the right thing for you. This group is for those who want help with anxiety, depression, substance use, emotional regulation and challenges in relationships. 

At HeartMind Resiliency, we bring together the best of two worlds: the brilliance of both Dialectical Behavior Therapy’s Top-Down cognitively-based approach and Somatic Psychotherapy’s Bottom-Up skills of nervous system regulation  [link to this Polyvagal Informed page] by weaving together complimentary tools and skills from each specialty. This will support your well being and capacity to be with the ups and downs of life by going beneath the big waves of emotions to find the calmer seas underneath the surface. If you long for a kinder and gentler connection to yourself and loved ones within a community of others who are also wishing for a better life, please reach out now!

What is DBT?

Dialectical Behavior Therapy is about being with the Both-And of life by finding truth in multi-perspectives. It helps you recognize that you’re OK just as you are in this present moment. At the same time, you are supported in building skills that will shift the way you think, feel, and behave. DBT embraces this dichotomy and helps you find a balance between accepting yourself as you are while at the same time acknowledging that change is important.

Why Somatically-based?

We believe that DBT is greatly enhanced when we work at the body and nervous system level to directly support run away Fight, Flight and Freeze responses. When emotions feel too big we can learn to go to the roots of the sensations that drive the emotions to befriend the body and the resources it holds for calming, soothing, and ultimately, healing.

Who Is This For?

DBT was originally developed by Dr. Marsha Linehan for people living with borderline personality disorder. However, after decades of enhancements and research, DBT is now recognized as an evidenced-based practice for many psychological diagnoses, such as anxiety, depression, substance use and PTSD, in addition to personality disorders.

During this Somatically-Based DBT group, you will learn to regulate your nervous system and emotions to enhance well-being in your relationship to yourself and others. We do this through through the skills of:

Next Steps

We recognize the bravery it can take to try something new or come into a group of strangers. We are here to help you throughout the process. There might be fluttering in your heart or tightness in your belly that you want to avoid or push away, while at the same time, there is a desire to take a step towards changing old patterns. Acknowledging and holding this paradox while taking action, is the beginning of your DBT journey and where healing starts. We look forward to hearing from you soon!
Adults (18+) – Tuesdays, 6:00 to 7:30pm – New members may join every 6 weeks – $75/session – Partial Scholarships Available
We ask that you are currently in individual therapy to support your learning during this group. We are happy to offer individual services at our practice or support your work with another therapist. If you are new to HeartMind Resiliency, we will schedule you for an intake session with Ashley Daly [link to her page], our group leader, so that you can get to know each other before you join.

Please complete the form for more information and we will be in touch soon.