About Elizabeth Holt, LPC-S, SEP

Most of the individuals who seek my help have had talk therapy in the past and are seeking a more body/mind approach. While traditional talk therapy has been helpful, they may have reached a standstill or are circling without change.

Many have complex and developmental trauma histories and may be going through a stressful time. Many have histories of some anxiety or depression and may have recently experienced a loss and find they need support.

I also work with younger individuals who may be seeking support facing a life decision or transition period.

Another specialty I enjoy working with is those in recovery from either a substance abuse disorder or an eating disorder. I have extensive experience working with substance use disorders and dual diagnosis and have experience and understanding of recovery.  

Many seek my help for Somatic-based therapy as I am a Somatic Experiencing Practitioner. This may be to work through a specific stressful event such as an accident or surgery or maybe more complex with more numerous events and /or relational traumas.

I am very honored to have had the privilege to do the work I do and welcome the opportunity to continue this deep and sacred relationship with others.

I have always been attracted to non-traditional approaches. I began my graduate work in Art Psychotherapy and continue to hold this as important to my professional identity.

I know we are designed to heal and grow. I believe in the wisdom of the body’s natural organismic process toward healing and health. I take much that I believe from what I see, from shat I have learned from nature.  There is a natural life force in us all, but it can become thwarted and stunted.

I integrate a combination of dialogue, collaboration, movement, expressive arts, and at times touch. I use both a “Bottom-Up” (body) approach and a “Top-Down” (mind) approach for embodied integration in our work together.

Professional Experience and Education:

License: LPC Virginia 0701002411
Graduate School:
Eastern Virginia Medical School

Other Training/Certifications: Somatic Experiencing Practitioner  (SEP); Board Certified Art Therapist  ATR-BC; Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing  (EMDR); Safe  & Sound Protocol  (SSP); Somatic Resiliency and Regulation  (SRR); Transforming the Experience-Based Brain (TEB); Transforming Touch