The ART and Science of Accelerated Resolution Therapy

The ART and Science of Accelerated Resolution Therapy

By, Waller Thompson, EdD, LPC, SEP, NARM

As anyone who has suffered trauma knows, it can have profound and lasting effects on a person’s life, impacting mental health, relationships, and overall well-being. Accelerated Resolution Therapy (ART) is a newer experiential approach to trauma recovery that’s gaining recognition for its rapid and lasting results. 

What is Accelerated Resolution Therapy?

ART is an evidence-based practice that aims to rapidly resolve symptoms of trauma, PTSD, anxiety, depression and complicated grief. Developed by Laney Rosenzweig, LMFT in 2008, ART combines elements of several established therapeutic techniques to create a uniquely effective approach to trauma resolution. Rosenzweig envisioned a way to pull elements from several established therapeutic approaches, including techniques that use bilateral stimulation, such as EMDR and Brainspotting, top down approaches, such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, and experiential techniques like somatic reprocessing, memory reconsolidation, Gestalt, visualization and exposure therapy. This has resulted in a technique of trauma resolution therapy that is fast-acting and long lasting in resolving traumatic memories and alleviating symptoms associated with PTSD and other mental health conditions.

The benefits of ART:

– Neurobiologically Based: ART directly addresses how traumatic memories are stored in the brain through guided eye movements and a process called voluntary memory replacement. This allows the  brain to reprocess traumatic experiences, reducing their emotional impact and reconstructing how the memories of the event are stored.

– Minimal Verbalization Required: Unlike traditional talk therapy, ART doesn’t require clients to discuss their traumatic experiences in detail or even to verbalize what happened to them. This can be particularly beneficial for those who find it difficult or retraumatizing to talk about their trauma.  Allowing the client to be more in control of what they share and don’t share can be particularly beneficial for those who find it difficult to discuss their trauma or who don’t have access to specific narrative memories.

– Somatically based: The therapist supports clients to pay attention to physical sensations associated with their memories and emotions. By addressing both mental and physical aspects of trauma, ART promotes comprehensive healing of both the mind and body.

– Experientially based: ART relies on the direct experience of the client in the present moment to allow for changes in the Here and Now. Rather than just talking about problems, clients actively engage with their memories and emotions during the session, again, allowing for a deeper type of healing. 

– Comprehensive Symptom Relief: Research has shown ART to be effective in reducing a wide range of trauma-related symptoms, including intrusive thoughts and flashbacks, emotional numbness, hypervigilance, a heightened startle response, sleep disturbances, anxiety and depression.

– Rapid Results: One of ART’s most striking features is its speed. Many clients report significant relief from trauma symptoms in just 1-5 sessions. This quick turnaround can be life-changing for those who have struggled with trauma for years.

– Long-lasting Effects: Follow-up studies have demonstrated that the benefits of ART tend to persist long after treatment has ended, suggesting that it creates fundamental changes in how the brain processes traumatic memories.

What is a session of Accelerated Reprocessing Therapy like? 

Similar to EMDR and Brainspotting, an ART session uses bilateral eye movements while a client is guided to focus on  a traumatic memory. The client is then supported to replace the memory with new, positive images so that the brain can recode the traumatic memory in a less distressing way. By encouraging the client to discover for themselves new memory replacements through actively changing the images associated with their traumatic memories, the client is empowered to reclaim their agency. This typically allows for a more complete holistic resolution in the mind, body and spirit.


Interested in experiencing the benefits of Accelerated Resolution Therapy? Complete this Interest Form or email Admin HeartMind Resiliency and we will be in touch with you soon to answer any of your questions!


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