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Somatic Group Offerings

We are passionate about doing our part to create a world where people can feel more love, connection, and meaning for themselves, their loved ones, and the greater world. We hope you’ll join us!

Demystifying Meditation

Class type: 4-week series

Date: Mondays, 10/21, 10/28, 11/4, 11/11 

Time: 6:15-7:15pm

Price: Pay what you can

Facilitator: Jon Forney


This class teaches meditation as an essential life skill. You will learn to cultivate the ability to be deeply aware of your body, focus your mind, and embrace present-moment experiences.

Meditation begins with learning to regulate the body and cultivate one-pointed focus of the mind. The ability to choose a target of focus, wander off, catch oneself, and gently return to presence is a fundamental life skill – one that is being actively undermined by smartphones and social media. A dedicated meditation practice may help you to reduce anxiety, increase mental focus, and ultimately be more accepting of yourself and others.

This is a four-part meditation class for beginners, or for those who have experience with guided meditation and wish to build their capacity to sit in silence. The first session will focus on sitting comfortably (which is harder than it sounds), including stretches and breathing that will help to bring the body into an optimal state for longer meditation. Over the course of four weeks, we will learn, practice, and refine several self-guided meditation techniques with rich traditions of practice, including breath-focused (vipassana), mantra-focused (japa), and inquiry-focused (neti neti).  

About the teacher: Jon is a self-inquiry coach, dancer, rock climber, musician, and yoga teacher. He moved to Richmond this summer to pursue a degree in couples and family counseling at VCU. His life and work are devoted to personal growth and deeper knowledge of the Self. Jon’s meditation and spiritual practice are grounded in non-dual Vedic philosophy, the teachings of Patanjali, and the timeless wisdom of the Bhagavad Gita.


Email with questions and to register.

Sound Bath

Date: Wednesday, 11/6

Time: 7pm

Price: Sliding Scale $25-$50


What is a sound emersion?  Our sound immersion involves various instruments including crystal and Tibetan bowls, a special earth gong, a wave drum, goshi chimes, didgeridoo playing and other instruments.    Participants can sit or lay down during the immersion and will absorb the vibrations and sound that have restorative effects on the body and mind.  Sound immersions can transport people into deep meditative and trance states, bringing a relaxation and rejuvenation.  If you have never experienced one, this is a great opportunity to try a  powerful healing modality!  There will be time after the immersion for integration and for participants to share.   Karen and Eduardo bring a Somatic Experiencing  and trauma-informed approach to their groups and are looking forward to offering this modality to HMR this fall.  Stay tuned for future events if you can not attend this one.

Email with questions and to register.

About the facilitators:

Karen Kimsey, MSW, RYT

Karen is a registered yoga teacher and certified sound healer. Her previous career involved working as a public servant with the Virginia Medicaid program for over 27 years.  She is now a health consultant and teaches yoga and offers sound immersions locally on the east coast. Karen recovered from a serious accident several years ago using yoga and the healing power of sound, which led her to this path. She has a master’s in social work and is a highly intuitive facilitator, is trauma and SE (Somatic Experiencing)  informed, and will be playing most of the instruments during the immersion.

Eduardo Cortina, LPC, SEP 

Eduardo is a senior Somatic Experiencing  practitioner in the Richmond area.   He has been playing the didgeridoo for over 15 years.   He will play a set with at least two different didgeridoos during the sound immersion as well as playing the Nest Drum,  and will assist Karen with other parts of the immersion. Eduardo also has a background in various forms of bodywork and somatic healing  and education including CranioSacral Therapy, the Alexander Technique, T’ai Chi and Qigong,  and more for over 30 years, and continues to study and grow his repertoire of modalities. For more information on Eduardo his website is:

Dance Exploration Workshop

Date: Friday, 11/15

Time: 7-8:30pm

Price: Pay what you can

Facilitator: Jon Forney


Dancing with others is a metaphor for relationship — everything from the desire to connect and the dynamics of mutual consent, to the communication, structure, and improvisation of a shared dance. Partnered dance in a safe space can provide us with opportunities to find and gently test edges in how we relate. Ultimately, participants will improve their ability to connect with themselves and others on and off the dance floor. 

About the workshop: We will employ partnered dance as a means of exploring our inner relationship with the energy of “structure” and “flow.” No prior partner-dance experience is necessary. Participants will learn a basic grammar of leading and following and be invited to occupy the role of both the leader and the follower in a progressive set of exercises that will allow participants to explore their edges in relation to leadership, communication, and receptivity. We will explore how the spine, points of contact, breath, and intentionality all influence our ability to connect, give and receive information on the dance floor. These fundamental connective skills are transferable to contact improvisation as well as more structured forms of dance such as salsa, bachata, and zouk.

In order to get the most out of this workshop, you will need to be open to connecting with others physically on the dance floor.

About the teacher: Jon is a self-inquiry coach, dancer, rock climber, musician, and yoga teacher. He moved to Richmond this summer to pursue a degree in couples and family counseling at VCU. His life and work are devoted to personal growth and deeper knowledge of the Self. Jon’s meditation and spiritual practice are grounded in non-dual Vedic philosophy, the teachings of Patanjali, and the timeless wisdom of the Bhagavad Gita.


Email with questions and to register.

Past Wellness Offerings


  • Somatics & Yoga with Erin Lingo
  • Kirtan
  • Trauma-Informed Breathwork with Rae Filla
  • Yoga4All with Rae Filla


To request any past wellness offerings to be offered again please email

All Somatic Group Offerings are in person at 3108 Semmes Avenue, Richmond Va 23225.

Parking is available behind the building. Please enter through the blue doors. 

Email with questions.

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