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About Waller Thompson, EdD, LPC, SEP

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“The life I touch for good or ill will touch another life, and that in turn another, until who knows where the trembling stops or in what far place my touch will be felt.”

Frederick Buechne

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No one gets through this life without overwhelm, and even trauma at some point, yet few of us have the necessary resources and skills to navigate these rough waters without support, help, or guidance at some point.

I have made it my life’s work to hone these skills and become knowledgeable in how to support people through times like these. I was lucky enough to have several amazing guides along the way and this is one small way that I express my gratitude in the world for those times when I felt so lost and needed heartful and mindful companionship.


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I began my career as a school psychologist serving the very young (0-7) and their families. I discovered how much I enjoyed providing therapy, so I went on to get my doctorate in counseling and eventually started my own private practice. However, I never strayed far from education. I’ve taught at the college graduate and undergraduate levels, worked as a consultant in schools, started a Waldorf School, and also taught parent-toddler classes. These days I mostly do psychotherapy with adults, but hold a special place in my heart and room in my practice for young children, babies and their parents, as well.

I am honored to walk beside so many brave souls who have made the decision to turn and face their demons, be it trauma, self-judgment, or failed relationships, and then support them in their journey towards health and healing. I have been on this path myself, have done the hard work of change, and literally felt the transformative changes that happen when I befriended both my mind and body.

I was the veteran of many years of talk therapy which was helpful in patching me back together and allowing me to function pretty well in the world. I knew, however, something was missing but didn’t understand that I needed to invite my body, my nervous system, into the conversation.

I came to understand that healing takes place in the here and now, so I needed to do my personal work in the present moment. That was when the real healing began for me. I understood a lot before and I was very successful in my life, but I didn’t feel it on the inside. I know many of these roads as I have traveled there myself and so I am honored to serve as your guide.

Professional Experience and Education:

License: LPC Virginia 0701010596
Graduate School: College of William and Mary
Doctorate (Ed.D.) in Counseling (1998); M.Ed. (1988) and Ed.S. (1990) in School Psychology
Other Training/Certifications: Somatic Experiencing Practitioner; Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapist (BCST); Brainspotting Provider (BSP); Safe & Sound Protocol (SSP) Provider; Transforming the Experienced-Based Brain (TEB) Provider; Inner Relationship Focusing (IRF) Provider; Extra Lesson Practitioner; NeuroAffective Touch (NAT) and Neuroaffective Relational Therapy (NARM) current studies; Postpartum Mood and Anxiety Disorder (PMADS) Certificate, Pre- and Perinatal Educator Certificate.

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